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Swedish Therapeutic Massge

Please note $10 minumin out call surcharge may be applied based on travel distance over 15 miles.

Table Massage

30 minutes - $35

60 minutes - $50

75 minutes - $65

90 minutes - $80

120 minutes - $110

Chair Massage

15 minutes - $15

30 minutes - $30

(or $1 per minute, time can vary to client's request)

(Group rate available at $50/hr, great for friends night out/in, social events, corporate reward programs/client appreciation, birthdays, family gatherings, bridal showers, small businesses promotions...)

Hand & Foot Massage

30 minutes - $30 or $20 added to massage/scrub service

Body/Hand and Foot Scrub

Great way to exfoliate and hydrate the skin. Dead sea salt and organic scrub with choice of essential oil (if desired) is used with an aggressive scrub and then warm organic coconut oil pour and hot towel wraps. Followed by a light massage with organic cream.

Body Scrub (approx 90 mins) $75 or $50 with hour+ massage.

Hand and Foot Scrub $20 for one or $25 for both, (approx 30 mins) nice add on to massage service.